
We are losing the war in cyber security. While major corporations and big governments struggle to keep up, individuals and smaller organizations (essentially their supply chains) have virtually no chance of adequately managing their digital risk, security, and privacy. Cyberlandia was founded to create a simplified cybersecurity best practice approach to allow everyone a safe online environment.

To achieve that vision, we must first agree on the reference architecture(s) that can meet our intended outcomes. And that architecture must allow for the secured, but free flow of information inside an organization and the protected exchange of data to and from everyone else. The goal is the transfer of data that meets with all significant worldwide security frameworks.

The second milestone has been to gain the involvement of the security vendors that would make this approach a reality. These foundational vendors are participating in a proof-of-concept that, at scale, will provide individuals and and organizations an affordable path to cyber security.

We are a collection of security architects and practitioners helping to design reference architectures. We are businesspeople and entrepreneurs working to build the business models to make the approach feasible. And we are looking for visionaries from every industry and every segment to help us.

We need your help. We need people from education, government, large and small business, and organizations of every stripe. We are looking for foundational vendors willing to support this grand experiment. With a goal as ambitious as a universal level of cyber security, we need everybody.

If you’d like to help, please start by letting us know you are interested by going to our “Join/Contact” page and providing us with your contact information and in what aspect you’d like to participate. If for now you’d just like to be kept updated on our progress, that’s fine too.